Bloating - Causes

Bloating - Causes

Nov 09, 2015


There's nothing like bloating to make you feel sluggish and uncomfortable. However, as uncomfortable as the feeling is, it is a universally common problem, which affects almost everyone. Because bloating can have several causes, we often don’t know where to start to avoid discomfort.

The first step in figuring out the cause of abdominal bloating is determining whether it's associated with eating or drinking, or both.

Bloating can be caused by diet, particularly if someone has a high salt intake or eats a lot of gas-producing foods, such as dark leafy vegetables or beans. Calcium supplements can also cause gas in some people.

A simple reflex like inhaling can be the cause of bloating. Some people actually swallow more air in as a result of stress, or simply when they eat. Chewing on gum and smoking can also make you inhale more air, aggravating the discomfort. Avoid talking while you’'re eating to prevent bloating.

However, one of the main causes of bloating and gas is food that doesn't get properly absorbed.

Many desserts are prepared with very rich, creamy products that contain a high percentage of lactose. They're often irresistible, but try to avoid dairy altogether for a few days, and see if your symptoms improve.

Similarly, our body doesn't produce the right enzymes to completely digest certain fruits and vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli, especially when eaten raw. This feeds bacteria and results in more gas and flatulence. Wheat and wheat products are famous for causing bloating in many people, and so is gluten.

The bottom line is, our digestive system simply cannot process everything, and you know best the limitation of yours. Not respecting this, and ingesting ingredients that are harmful to you, will inevitably result in undigested food fermenting in the intestines, where bacteria feeds on it, producing yet more gas.

Women are more prone the discomforts of bloating, because it can also be the result of gynecological troubles, or a combination of gastrointestinal and gynecological problems.

For pre-menopausal women, bloating is often related to the menstrual cycle and the level of hormones. When hormonal activity is high, stool and gas move more slowly through the intestines, often leading to constipation and bloating in the weeks before the period. Older women on HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) also commonly suffer discomfort from bloating.

Persistent bloating can sometimes signal intestinal blockage. There are many possible causes for these blockages, including scar tissue from prior surgeries, certain medications, abdominal infections, accumulation of waste matter in the intestines, and hernias. Chronic bloating could also be caused by a mass such as an ovarian cyst or uterine fibroid, or signal a more serious underlying liver or pancreas disease.

Women over 50 need to be especially cautious and consult a doctor about any chronic bloating.

Whether of hormonal or gastrointestinal origin, avoiding gas-producing foods and being watchful of your diet will certainly help ease bloating.

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